Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday: Marine World

Because of the awesome work Cris has done at West Edmonton Mall, he received some free passes for the mall attractions. We had 4 that I thought were expiring this month, so the boys I went and took one of their friends. I couldn't bear for a free pass to go to waste, and Cris was simply too busy to go. The boys picked Marine World to go to.
I was probably more upset than I should have been to discover that one of the passes had already expired, and ended up having to pay for the extra person I so badly wanted to come with us because I had this extra free pass, which I didn't actually have. Apparently I don't pay enough attention to detail.

Moving along....
We really enjoyed the touch tanks. We got to touch stingrays, sharks, and anemones. The stingrays actually like being touched, so they swim right up to you.

We also saw sharks and sea turtles and then some divers got in the tank to feed the shark. They do this once-a-week up-close-and-personal encounters to maintain relationship with the sharks and to ensure the sharks are healthy. The divers pet the sharks, check for anything unusual, that sort of thing.

The sea turtle was pretty funny. It kept swimming around getting its flippers stuck in the divers hoses and even briefly entangled itself in a shark.

We saw the sea lion show. Loved it. I think I missed my calling in life. I'd love to be an animal trainer and have that relationship of trust with a wild animal.

After that we saw a presentation on the African penguins.
And here's Elijah...petting a shark:

It was a fun-filled afternoon. The boys even got to play with their friend at our house for a bit.

In the evening Elijah started on the next book in the Percy Jackson series called "The Sea of Monsters". He did some math, mostly multiplication strategies and commutative properties. Toviel started reading "Flat Stanley", although I wish he had picked something more challenging. He also did some math. He is working on addition strategies and is currently learning the two-5's strategy when adding two numbers when they both are between 5 and 9.
He also used his geo-reflector to explore symmetry and reflections.

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