Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday: Mother's Day

We got a trampoline!!

Trampolines are awesome! When you land, each cell of your body experiences a G-Force which is two or three times stronger than normal. It is as if your weight would double or triple for a fraction of a second when you hit the deepest point. This exposure to a higher G-Force is what strengthens the body; and as it is only for a fraction of a second, this does not fatigue the body. During the movement up to the highest point of your bounce, you come to nearly weightlessness and your body can relax completely. It's the most fun acceleration training! It strengthens the back without causing strain, it strengthens the lymphatic system, increases balance and coordination, involves every part of the body, and according to NASA, it rebuilds bone tissue. I also recall as a child going out to our trampoline to jump when I felt angry. It sure helps release tension, and lets face it - it's hard to stay mad when you're on a trampoline.
And....I'm pretty sure my next years homeschool funding will cover the cost!

Happy Mother's Day!!

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