Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Not Back To School

Today, we had the privilege of attending a Not Back to School Picnic at Emily Murphy Park.
Last year we went and it sucked. The gathering was a success, but awkward and overwhelming and lonely for us.
But this year, I knew people! A lot of people!
We arrived late because it started in the morning, and we were practically the last to leave, which is typical Block family style. There, the boys happily went off, in search of their friends. A very large group of kids of all ages were having their annual Stick Wars. It occupied them for several hours!

When we arrived home at 5:30, Toviel had a great idea to pull out things from the pantry and start making potions. He got this idea from a good friend and goes back to it continually.
Elijah joined in with him as well, and for an hour they made potions and performed magic.

Then they helped me clean it all up.

By the time Cris got home from work at 7pm, it was time for me to head out to a homeschool moms coffee night. It was the first one I had the privilege to attend and it was good for my heart.
I feel like I continually need to be pulled out of my swirling thoughts that cause me to sputter, flounder, and feel as though I'm drowning. I am reminded by meeting with like-minded moms, that if I simply relax, I will float, effortlessly, while the waters carry me and allow me to revel in the beauty of life all around me.
Oh, I quickly forget...I go back into a panicked state quite easily, but I have friends and mentors who remind me of the important things.
Last Friday we were able to go to a couple of free IMAX movies at the Science Centre. One of the ones we saw was called Born to be Wild. In it, a woman in Africa runs an orphanage for orphaned orangutans. She said one thing that hit me...that these baby orangutans needed only to feel loved as a baby in order to grow up into an adult who would survive and thrive in the wild.
This is what my children require as well. This is why I homeschool.

The boys and Cris spent the evening bonding over supper and Minecraft, and when I got home, I continued my search for a new perfect tenant.

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