Sunday, December 11, 2011


This year for Christmas Advent instead of buying those advent calendars with the waxy chocolate squares that are disgusting yet fun to eat because you get to eat chocolate first thing in the morning, I made my boys their own advent with things I found around the house.

I put some hooks on the wall (those 3M ones that go on and off the wall with ease), tied some string between the hoooks and hung up some old (but clean - I do have some class) socks up with clothes pins. Each clothes pin is numbered from 1-25. The clothes pins from 1-24 have a sock (or stocking if you prefer to call it - makes it sound more festive) hanging from it, and the 25th has a star that marks Christmas Day. Each morning I put something in the sock that corresponds with that day. The first thing the boys do in the morning is dig into their sock (stocking) to see what treasures and treats they will find. Even before they go to the bathroom, which shows me that they have an amazing amount of willpower - I can't do anything in the morning before I visit The John!

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